The dataset includes the following files: 1. flux_baltic.csv - Total flux and fluxes size distribution measured in the Baltic Sea. 2. flux_atlantic.csv - Total flux and fluxes size distribution measured in the North Atlantic region. Both files 1. and 2. contain data in the same convention: Data represents 30 minutes of averaged positive fluxes calculated based on the concentration gradient, Column 1 contains datetime in the ISO 8601 format. Each time represents the begining of measurement. Column 2 represents the total aerosol gradient flux F[1/m^3], Columns 3-38 represent size-distributed fluxes f[1/m^3]. 3. prameters_baltic.csv - Parameters: ws - wind speed [m/s], wa - wave age [-], reh - wave Reynolds numer [-], hs - wave height [m], ta - air temperature [°C], tw - water temperature [°C], hum - humidity [%], nchl - chlorophyl alpha concentration [mg/m^3]. 4. prameters_atlantic.csv - Parameters: ws-wind speed [m/s], wa - wave age [-], reh - wave Reynolds numer [-], hs - wave height [m], ta - air temperature [°C], tw - water temperature [°C], hum - humidity [%]. 5. size_channels.csv - column 1: lower limit of the channel [µm], column 2: upper limit of the channel [µm], 36 channels. For more detailed data please contact Piotr Markuszewski - Sopot, 13.08.2024